
MS. Sahar Albazar

MS. Sahar Albazar

Egyptian MP and the Deputy Chair of the Foreign Relations committee at the Egyptian House of Representatives
Mr. Hossam Taher

Mr. Hossam Taher

the CEO and Head of Product at Orcas
Mr. Mohamed Wahid

Mr. Mohamed Wahid

Impactyn founder & CEO bio & pic
Ms. Asma Raouf

Ms. Asma Raouf

Founder of Misr ahla initiative
Eng. Amal Mobadda

Eng. Amal Mobadda

Chief Fundraising Officer, Misr El Kheir Foundation
Mr. Moustafa Zamzam

Mr. Moustafa Zamzam

Chairman of Solution Factory for Marketing and Management Company.
Mr. Ali Abdulfattah

Mr. Ali Abdulfattah

Active member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
Dr.Hany Shoukralla

Dr.Hany Shoukralla

for North East Africa region in MERCK KGaA
Mrs. Leena Elmasry

Mrs. Leena Elmasry

MediaHub Events Director
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